Leo and Claire

Leo and Claire

the island

the island
paradise lost

Sunday, June 14, 2015

pm isp choices

Rebecca and Anna B - Perks of Being a Wallflower.....Ricky - Roadside Picnic.........Dakota - Roadside Picnic..............Nick - A Clockwork Orange..........Christian V - Huck Finn..........Megan E - Harry Potter.......Hannah - Looking for Alaska............Mary - 13 Reasons why.......Megan V-L - Forever..................Kurtis - Dr.Zhivago.............Kelsey - The Colour Purple......................Jenny - Harry Potter......Brandon - Bless Me Ultima....

am isp books

Austin - the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas................. Brady - 12 years a Slave..............Alex - Brave New World................Mackenzie - Hunger Games..........Maggie - the Perks of Being a Wallflower...........Nick - Farenheit 451.............Adem - Atlas Shrugged..........Sarah - Lush .........Riley - We All Fall Down..........Tristan S - Sword of Shannara........Tyler - DaVinci Code.........Matt - looking for Alaska.........Aaron - All Quiet on the Western Front.........Daniel - the Black Donnellys........Karyssa - Looking For Alaska............Lauren - I`ll Give You the Sun...Hillary - Angels and Demons........John - Maus...........Dawson - The Exorcist.......Tristan B. - Alice in Wonderland....Bailey - The Mockinjay

Jagoe best wishes pic : flag and sun

Sending Cameron best wishes at the end of our school year. Hope things are going well in Kiwi-Land...pic no flag no sun

Thursday, June 11, 2015

June 11th

1. blogs due tomorrow 2. thinking notes / isp stuff etc 3. plan your 4th R (you can work with a partner if you choose but both partners must complete the planning guide) short story by completing the outline / planning guide for an original story that would be used to update the 4th r collection

#27 your" 4th R story

explain what you think are the most important elements (no more than 3) of teenage life that you feel should be included in a 4th R story for 2015

Sunday, June 7, 2015

ENG 2D1 Written Exam Info

It will be very much a skills-based rather than a content-based evaluation.The written exam will be worth 15% of the final grade (not 30% as in some other courses). The first question will be a sight passage (a short story) that you have not seen before. This will be a reading comprehension test in which the students will be asked to apply reading skills and knowledge of literary terms (theme, protagonist, setting etc) to an unfamiliar work. Students will also be asked to relate the story to other works covered in the course. The second part of the test will be a literary essay in which the students will be asked to apply their understanding of the works covered in the course (memoirs, Lord of the Flies, Romeo and Juliet, the small group novels, the independent study and the "4th R" stories) in essay form. There will not be any specific content memorization questions on the test.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

#26 the isp 4th and final entry

there will be four of these (similar to the small group novel approach).....for the final quarter of the book , record your thoughts/like/dislikes on the final quarter of your book (minimum of five sentences)