Leo and Claire

Leo and Claire

the island

the island
paradise lost

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wed Feb 25th, 2015 instructions

1. finish memoir....put in (virtual) hand in folder and print off copy / give to teacher
2. check out / update blogs
3. complete ch 3 chart for tomorrow
4. Lord of the Flies chapter 4 (pps 60-80....read to the bottom of pg 70 for Thursday)
5. am class, check out the "smoking" attitudes survey

#7 the lessons of the Amanda Todd story..

pick one aspect of the story: the internet, parents, policing, sextortion, etc and explain your thoughts in relation to this story

if you missed the documentary, it can be watched here:


#6 Lord of the Flies chapters 1-3

in five sentences, your reaction to the story so far.....questions, observations, likes, dislikes, analysis etc

Friday, February 20, 2015

#5 Golding's famous quote on human nature


#4 people for new society list (posted below)

do you agree with it?...are you surprised by it?...what do you think it shows?

Friday February 20th instructions...

1. memoir ...complete and place in appropriate hand in folder (time to complete next week but try to complete today)

2. chapter one questions complete

3. read chapter two for Monday

4. update blogs

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Golding's philosophy

"man is born evil and is destined to remain evil"

Dystopia and Utopia

dystopia - a community or society that is in some important way undesirable or frightening.....it is literally translated from Greek as "not-good place".....it is an antonym of utopoia

people for a new society...in order of importance...

1.  scientist

2.  environmentalist

3.  police officer

4.  academic

5.  social worker

6.   clergy

7.  military

8.  accountant

9.  poet  

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thur Feb 12...

today's order of activity:

1. blog up and running and up to date..........................
2. character sketch written / re-written in hand in folder.......................
3. a five sentence (minimum) paragraph in hand in folder: Lance Armstrong is a hero because... OR...Lance Armstrong is not a hero because...
4. if / when finished, make sure Armstrong memoir questions are complete and customize your blog if you wish

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Customizing your blog...

you can customize your blog using the "design" tab in the top right hand corner....then "layout"....then "add a gadget'....there are 28 pages of gadgets available....make sure they are appropriate to your blog

#3 humanity and evil

simple,,,well not simple....do you think humans are essentially good or essentially evil? Explain in  a minimum of five sentences