Leo and Claire

Leo and Claire

the island

the island
paradise lost

Sunday, June 14, 2015

pm isp choices

Rebecca and Anna B - Perks of Being a Wallflower.....Ricky - Roadside Picnic.........Dakota - Roadside Picnic..............Nick - A Clockwork Orange..........Christian V - Huck Finn..........Megan E - Harry Potter.......Hannah - Looking for Alaska............Mary - 13 Reasons why.......Megan V-L - Forever..................Kurtis - Dr.Zhivago.............Kelsey - The Colour Purple......................Jenny - Harry Potter......Brandon - Bless Me Ultima....

am isp books

Austin - the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas................. Brady - 12 years a Slave..............Alex - Brave New World................Mackenzie - Hunger Games..........Maggie - the Perks of Being a Wallflower...........Nick - Farenheit 451.............Adem - Atlas Shrugged..........Sarah - Lush .........Riley - We All Fall Down..........Tristan S - Sword of Shannara........Tyler - DaVinci Code.........Matt - looking for Alaska.........Aaron - All Quiet on the Western Front.........Daniel - the Black Donnellys........Karyssa - Looking For Alaska............Lauren - I`ll Give You the Sun...Hillary - Angels and Demons........John - Maus...........Dawson - The Exorcist.......Tristan B. - Alice in Wonderland....Bailey - The Mockinjay

Jagoe best wishes pic : flag and sun

Sending Cameron best wishes at the end of our school year. Hope things are going well in Kiwi-Land...pic no flag no sun

Thursday, June 11, 2015

June 11th

1. blogs due tomorrow 2. thinking notes / isp stuff etc 3. plan your 4th R (you can work with a partner if you choose but both partners must complete the planning guide) short story by completing the outline / planning guide for an original story that would be used to update the 4th r collection

#27 your" 4th R story

explain what you think are the most important elements (no more than 3) of teenage life that you feel should be included in a 4th R story for 2015

Sunday, June 7, 2015

ENG 2D1 Written Exam Info

It will be very much a skills-based rather than a content-based evaluation.The written exam will be worth 15% of the final grade (not 30% as in some other courses). The first question will be a sight passage (a short story) that you have not seen before. This will be a reading comprehension test in which the students will be asked to apply reading skills and knowledge of literary terms (theme, protagonist, setting etc) to an unfamiliar work. Students will also be asked to relate the story to other works covered in the course. The second part of the test will be a literary essay in which the students will be asked to apply their understanding of the works covered in the course (memoirs, Lord of the Flies, Romeo and Juliet, the small group novels, the independent study and the "4th R" stories) in essay form. There will not be any specific content memorization questions on the test.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

#26 the isp 4th and final entry

there will be four of these (similar to the small group novel approach).....for the final quarter of the book , record your thoughts/like/dislikes on the final quarter of your book (minimum of five sentences)

Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Shakespearian Sonnet - characteristics

- 14 lines...broken into 3 quatrains (4 lines) and one couplet (2 lines) - iambic pentameter (5 unstressed/stressed syllables per line) - rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg - sonnets are generally about the same topics: love, lost love etc and sometimes build in intensity towards the final couplet or are comprised of three similar quatrains leading towards the final thought in the couplet - the sonnet usually is concerned with a specific problem and at times asks a question regarding the nature of love the most famous? sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm'd; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd; But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest; Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou growest: So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

#25 isp novel #3

there will be four of these (similar to the small group novel approach).....for the third quarter of the book , record your thoughts/like/dislikes/predictions etc thus far (minimum of five sentences)

#24 isp novel 2

there will be four of these (similar to the small group novel approach).....for the second quarter of the book , record your thoughts/like/dislikes/predictions etc thus far (minimum of five sentences)

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Thur May 14th task am room 239, pm room 268

1 Complete your R&J essay outline - due tomorrow 2 Complete the poetry assignment: read each of the poems and complete the table for each: a. explain what the poem is about b. identify the poetic devices/techniques the poet is using in the poem (rhyming similes, metaphors, personification, symbol etc) ...look up poetic devices online for more information c. explain whether you like or dislike the poem and why d. rank it from 1-6 (like to dislike) 3 If finished , complete Romeo and Juliet crossword 4. update blogs

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

#23 ISP novel #1

there will be four of these (similar to the small group novel approach).....for the first quarter of the book , record your thoughts/like/dislikes/predictions etc thus far (minimum of five sentences)

Monday, May 4, 2015

#21 sgn: the end

were you happy overall with your small group novel ? explain why or why not

Tuesday May 5th

in order.....

1. fix essay.....put in hand-in folder and print off copy and place in your folder

2. work on small group novel project......trailer filming is tomorrow!....(feel free to add additional movie posters as bonus)...btw...make sure the four small group novel handouts are complete and in your folder 3. update blogs

4. submit isp proposal....the book you would like to read and why....for help, check out the lists of frequently challenged books posted above. If you do not find a particular book, an internet search will often reveal if it has been banned/challenged or not

5. read independent novel...isp to be completed the week of June 8th

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

# 20 Romeo and Juliet - theme

Identify what you feel is the most prominent theme of Romeo and Juliet and explain  your choice in a paragraph

#19 Romeo and Juliet - character

favourite character?

explain ( five sentences)

#18 SGN #3 ..the ending

if  you could choose the ending of the book, what would that look like? (minimum one sentence)

explain why you would like it to end this way (minimum five sentences)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Happy Birthday William Shakespeare

If you cannot understand my argument, and declare 'It's Greek to me', 

you are quoting Shakespeare;

if you claim to be more sinned against than sinning,

you are quoting Shakespeare; 

if you recall your salad days,

you are quoting Shakespeare; 

if you act more in sorrow than in anger, 

if your wish is father to the thought, 

if your lost property has vanished into thin air, 

you are quoting Shakespeare; 

if you have ever refused to budge an inch or suffered from green-eyed jealousy, 

if you have played fast and loose, 

if you have been tongue-tied, 

a tower of strength, 

hoodwinked or in a pickle, 

if you have knitted your brows, 

made a virtue of necessity, 

insisted on fair play, 

slept not one wink, 

stood on ceremony, 

danced attendance (on your lord and master), 

laughed yourself into stitches, 

had short shrift, cold comfort or too much of a good thing, 

if you have seen better days or lived in a fool's paradise -- 

why, be that as it may, the more fool you, for it is a foregone conclusion that you are (as good luck would have it) quoting Shakespeare; 

if you think it is early days and clear out bag and baggage, 

if you think it is high time and that that is the long and short of it, 

if you believe that the game is up and that truth will out even if it involves your own flesh and blood, 

if you lie low till the crack of doom because you suspect foul play, 

if you have your teeth set on edge (at one fell swoop) without rhyme or reason, 

then -- to give the devil his due -- if the truth were known (for surely you have a tongue in your head) you are quoting Shakespeare; 

even if you bid me good riddance and send me packing, 

if you wish I was dead as a doornail, 

if you think I am an eyesore, 

a laughing stock, 

the devil incarnate, 

a stony-hearted villain, 

bloody-minded or a blinking idiot, 

then -- by Jove! 

O Lord! 

Tut, tut! 

For goodness' sake! 

What the dickens! 

But me no buts -- 

it is all one to me, for you are quoting Shakespeare.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

#17 sgn 2

so..the second part of the book....is it good? enjoyable? thought provoking? explain

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thur April 16 instructions

1. complete visual essay - put in hand in folder and submit printed copy

2. complete / update blogs (in as much detail as possible...that's a level 4)

3. read small group novel  ( 1/2 for Monday)

4. complete Shakespeare "literary terms quiz" handout (it's not a quiz...just look up the terms)

5. Enjoy your three-day weekend

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wed April 15 reminders / instructions:

1. keep reading small group novel. 1/2 to be completed by Monday

2. blogs marked from Thursday on

3. today's visual essay must include:

a) three quotes on the topic/theme from Lord of the Flies (with page reference)

b) three "other" statements /quotations on the the topic theme from a secondary source

for example: "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" ( Franklin Delano Roosevelt)

c) three "original" statements on topic/theme as it relates to The Village

for example, The elders of Covington Woods used  mysterious sound effects to instill fear in the children

d) a minimum of five images that represent the topic/theme  (images from the film(s) cannot be used)

There must be a clear title which indicates the topic/theme explored in the visual essay

and a Legend which separates the "verbals" into easy to follow/recognize categories (a-d above)

Monday, April 13, 2015

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Brittannica School Database: great for research...how to access...

1. Go to the TVDSB home page   http://www.tvdsb.ca/

2. Click on the "Students" banner, and then choose "Secondary Resources"

3. Click on "Research Databases"

4. Brittannica School is on the bottom right of the page

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Wed April 1: Shakespeare hypertext assisgnment

Today's class involves follows upon the earlier "research" on the world of William Shakespeare  and the task is to create a hypertext document on this topic.

This is to be a short multi-paragraph piece of writing (use Microsoft Word) of approximately 300-400 words.
        The document is to be five paragraphs in length and each paragraph must contain at least one hyperlink. Each hyperlink should add information or clarify and idea or extend understanding or make connections to similar ideas or topics

        You can use a hyperlink to connect your hypertext to: wikipedia articles, youtube videos, blogs, news articles, dictionary definitions, images, music etc (only one youtube and one wikipedia hyperlink may be included in your hypertext)

         In Word, right click when you want to create a hyperlink , click "hyperlink" and enter the text to be displayed in the box at the top and url in the address line at the bottom.

          So...the topic is the world of William Shakespeare It has to be five paragraphs long and each paragraph must deal with a different aspect of the topic above. The paragraphs just have to be connected to Shakespeare in some way and do not need to be connected any more than that.

Suitable sub-topics./paragraphs could be:

William Shakespeare,
Romeo and Juliet
Queen Elizabeth
Elizabethan England
the Globe Theatre
The Spanish Armada
Stratford-Upon-Avon, England
Christopher Marlowe
Stratford, Ontario (the city)
The Stratford (Ontario) Festival
Richard Burbage
The Reformation
Anne Hathaway
London, England
Kenneth Branagh
Baz Luhrmann
Shakespeare's comedies 
The plague,
Shakespeare's histories
Francis Bacon
Shakespeare's tragedies
William Shakespeare and Oak Island

                                      , ..........basically anything you can relate to the man himself. Be creative in your topics and in your hyperlinks...be brave and come up with one of your own among the five

          Complete,, print/hand in and put digital version in appropriate hand-in folder

         An example of a hypertext paragraph is written below:
         Two of the most famous giants of Western culture were born in Stratford. One was a actor/ playwright who wrote thirty seven plays and became the most famous writer ever. He was popular in life and even more popular in death. In fact, his work is still studied all over the world hundreds of years later. The other icon was also born in Stratford , but, this time in the Stratford in Ontario, Canada. He too was popular in life and had many fans all over the world. His work was examined and studied and debated passionately. He too remained popular and in the news, even this week . It truly is a remarkable coincidence that these two cultural giants were born in a city with the same name over four hundred years and three thousand miles apart.

     now, create your own

Paragraphs 2-4 should follow this model

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Small Group Novel choice

check out the six small group novel choices.....in your blog,list your top three choices....in order

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A News Story - Lord of the Flies Style

                                                             A Shocking Discovery!
                                                                  by I.McGuchan

          A British naval officer made a shocking discovery yesterday when he discovered a group of English schoolboys gone savage on a remote Pacific island. While the entire story is unknown at this time, it is clear that the boys who ranged in age from approximately five to thirteen had been living on the island for some time and had resorted to violent acts. The boys appeared dishevelled and traumatized by their experience on the island, which seemed devoid of adult supervision. Further details are sure to emerge over the coming days regarding the exact nature of the events on the island.

         While the boys were not allowed to speak to the reporters present, the officer who first discovered the boys did make this statement: "Terrible things seem to have taken place on this island. Our investigation over the next few days while reveal exactly what has transpired and who is to blame. What is clear at this point is that a group of English schoolboys had let themselves and their country down very badly." With those words, the officer marched off to makeshift shelters where the investigation was to begin. Stay tuned for further news from this potentially shocking story of an island paradise which was anything but.

Friday, March 13, 2015

#11 The Simpsons and Lord of the Flies

How was it like Golding's version? / How was it not like Golding's version?

pick one of the above and explain in five sentences

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday March 12

in library, today's order of business:

1. look over the example from literacy test on graphic text (we'll take up tomorrow)

2. today's main task is to create a trading card on your chosen / assigned character from yesterday      (further instructions will be provided)
  try to complete by tomorrow (1/2 period computer time tomorrow)
There are templates online you can use or you can create your own (preferable)

3. if / when complete, in the hand in folder, explain the ending to Lord of the Flies (in three to five sentences ) that you would rather have seen. Perhaps it is a dramatic change or minor tweaking. Explain your improvements to Golding's conclusion.

#10 you and the Lord of the Flies

give the book a mark out of 10 on your scale of "likeability"....explain your reasoning

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wed Feb 25th, 2015 instructions

1. finish memoir....put in (virtual) hand in folder and print off copy / give to teacher
2. check out / update blogs
3. complete ch 3 chart for tomorrow
4. Lord of the Flies chapter 4 (pps 60-80....read to the bottom of pg 70 for Thursday)
5. am class, check out the "smoking" attitudes survey

#7 the lessons of the Amanda Todd story..

pick one aspect of the story: the internet, parents, policing, sextortion, etc and explain your thoughts in relation to this story

if you missed the documentary, it can be watched here:


#6 Lord of the Flies chapters 1-3

in five sentences, your reaction to the story so far.....questions, observations, likes, dislikes, analysis etc

Friday, February 20, 2015

#5 Golding's famous quote on human nature


#4 people for new society list (posted below)

do you agree with it?...are you surprised by it?...what do you think it shows?

Friday February 20th instructions...

1. memoir ...complete and place in appropriate hand in folder (time to complete next week but try to complete today)

2. chapter one questions complete

3. read chapter two for Monday

4. update blogs

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Golding's philosophy

"man is born evil and is destined to remain evil"

Dystopia and Utopia

dystopia - a community or society that is in some important way undesirable or frightening.....it is literally translated from Greek as "not-good place".....it is an antonym of utopoia

people for a new society...in order of importance...

1.  scientist

2.  environmentalist

3.  police officer

4.  academic

5.  social worker

6.   clergy

7.  military

8.  accountant

9.  poet  

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thur Feb 12...

today's order of activity:

1. blog up and running and up to date..........................
2. character sketch written / re-written in hand in folder.......................
3. a five sentence (minimum) paragraph in hand in folder: Lance Armstrong is a hero because... OR...Lance Armstrong is not a hero because...
4. if / when finished, make sure Armstrong memoir questions are complete and customize your blog if you wish

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Customizing your blog...

you can customize your blog using the "design" tab in the top right hand corner....then "layout"....then "add a gadget'....there are 28 pages of gadgets available....make sure they are appropriate to your blog

#3 humanity and evil

simple,,,well not simple....do you think humans are essentially good or essentially evil? Explain in  a minimum of five sentences