Leo and Claire

Leo and Claire

the island

the island
paradise lost

Sunday, June 14, 2015

pm isp choices

Rebecca and Anna B - Perks of Being a Wallflower.....Ricky - Roadside Picnic.........Dakota - Roadside Picnic..............Nick - A Clockwork Orange..........Christian V - Huck Finn..........Megan E - Harry Potter.......Hannah - Looking for Alaska............Mary - 13 Reasons why.......Megan V-L - Forever..................Kurtis - Dr.Zhivago.............Kelsey - The Colour Purple......................Jenny - Harry Potter......Brandon - Bless Me Ultima....

am isp books

Austin - the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas................. Brady - 12 years a Slave..............Alex - Brave New World................Mackenzie - Hunger Games..........Maggie - the Perks of Being a Wallflower...........Nick - Farenheit 451.............Adem - Atlas Shrugged..........Sarah - Lush .........Riley - We All Fall Down..........Tristan S - Sword of Shannara........Tyler - DaVinci Code.........Matt - looking for Alaska.........Aaron - All Quiet on the Western Front.........Daniel - the Black Donnellys........Karyssa - Looking For Alaska............Lauren - I`ll Give You the Sun...Hillary - Angels and Demons........John - Maus...........Dawson - The Exorcist.......Tristan B. - Alice in Wonderland....Bailey - The Mockinjay

Jagoe best wishes pic : flag and sun

Sending Cameron best wishes at the end of our school year. Hope things are going well in Kiwi-Land...pic no flag no sun

Thursday, June 11, 2015

June 11th

1. blogs due tomorrow 2. thinking notes / isp stuff etc 3. plan your 4th R (you can work with a partner if you choose but both partners must complete the planning guide) short story by completing the outline / planning guide for an original story that would be used to update the 4th r collection

#27 your" 4th R story

explain what you think are the most important elements (no more than 3) of teenage life that you feel should be included in a 4th R story for 2015